Saturday, July 16, 2011

How to Buy Diamond Engagement Rings

There is much to consider when purchasing 
a diamond – especially diamond 
engagement rings! The tradition of 
presenting a woman with a diamond 
engagement ring when proposing began in 
1477 when Archduke Maximilian presented 
a diamond ring to Mary of Burgundy – and 
in most cases, the woman you plan to 
propose to will expect a ring to accompany 
that proposal!

First, determine how much ring you can 
afford. Most people use the ‘two months 
salary’ rule. This means that the ring should 
cost the equivalent of two months of your 
current salary. Because you have other bills 
to pay, saving up this amount of money may 
take quite a bit of time. You should consider 
financing. Simply go to the jeweler of your 
choice and tell them that you plan to buy an 
engagement ring, and that financing will be 
necessary. Go ahead and get the credit 
check out of the way, find out what your 
payments will be, and how much of a down 
payment is required.

Now, have your mother, sister, or your 
girlfriends best friend take your girlfriend 
shopping, and make sure that they gaze at 
the engagement rings to get an idea of what 
she might like. Make sure that the jewelry 
store you buy the ring from will allow you to 
return the ring, if that is required, or allow 
your girlfriend to exchange it for another if 
she isn’t happy with it!

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